Wrap up 2021

Happy New Year

Welcome to 2022!

My 2021 was packed with great moments, challenges, surprises, deep losses and unforgettable experiences. Overall, it has been blessed, humbling and reflective worthy.

Read about my reflection of 2021 and what happened in my life - here

I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank you for supporting me in this journey of writing on BeingBenje

A summary

  • August 2021 - Started writing on beingbenje about my journey as a startup founder and the things that I come across
  • 15 weekly emails and 8 blog posts
  • Over 2000+ visits to the page
  • 28 email subscribers

MyGigsters Summary

Wrap up 2021 report — Journey of MyGigster
2021 has been an amazing year beyond the challenges of COVID, restriction, travel ban and lockdowns. We managed to build a fantastic team…

So whats for 2022

New post schedule - Based on your feedback and data, I figured out that Friday at 9:30 is the best time to send the newsletter. So from next week, you will receive the newsletter on Friday.

More content - I shall continue to post blog articles on Startup tips on this website. But in addition to that, I plan to share how I am building MyGigsters 'Building in public -  MyGigsters series'. This will be an exclusive monthly capture of our journey with MyGigsters available in Medium 👇

Benjemen Elengovan – Medium
Read writing from Benjemen Elengovan on Medium. Passionate about making gig workers financially secure and safer | Founder & CEO at MyGigsters | NFT & DeFi Enthusiast | Podcast Host of MyGigsters and Founders.

Let's connect - From Feb 2022, I am opening a few slots on my calendar, and I would like to connect with anyone for discussing anything around startups, new trends, exciting projects, side hustles and more. I will share the calendly link in the following weekly email.

Rewards for readers - It's time I reward my supporters and well-wishers. A few amazing reward campaigns are planned for this year. You get VIP access and exclusive rewards if you are a subscribed reader.

My life - Documenting my life and making it available to the public. Yes, you read it right; I am making an effort to capture what's happening in my life.
Click this link (still under construction)

Thanks again for your support. What would you like me to write more about? Please share your feedback, comments, suggestions. I would like to make it valuable for everyone

Have a great year ahead 🤩