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Lets Gig! - Benji’s journey through 19 side-gigs

In this edition, I took the opportunity to share my personal journey through Side Hustles and the key lessons I learned. Also, I have three ultimate steps to take to get started with your SideGig today! - check it out.

Benjemen Elengovan
Benjemen Elengovan
2 min read
Lets Gig! - Benji’s journey through 19 side-gigs

Hey Gigsters 👋🏻,

Welcome to the second edition!

Thanks for your support. We have over 500 subscribers in one week. 🥳

In this edition, I want to share my personal story of my SideGig journey

Coming from a lower middle-class Indian family, financial struggles were a constant reality for me. I was very entrepreneurial at a young age, mainly driven by the need to earn extra money to support myself. I started working on side gigs at the age of 14.

While the concept of side gigs has evolved over the years, the basics are still the same.

What is a Side Hustle? - is a flexible, part-time venture pursued alongside a full-time job to earn extra income or follow a passion.

My first gig was writing class notes for friends, earning me my first bit of cash. From there, I ventured into various roles: Magician, Master of Ceremony, Radio Jockey, Tutor, Scriptwriter, Music Composer, Building Science Projects, Professional Waiter, Barrister, Dubbing Artist, Subtitle Writer, Website Developer, Bartender, Actor, Freelance Writer, IKEA Furniture Assembler, Food Delivery Driver, Course Creator and trainer, and School Book Author.

These 19 odd jobs taught me valuable lessons. I learned the importance of time management, the power of networking, and the value of perseverance. Each role offered a unique perspective, shaping my entrepreneurial spirit. Today, as the founder of MyGigsters, these experiences fuel my passion for helping gig workers succeed.

Three quick steps to getting started with your SideGig:

  1. Identify your strengths: List your skills, hobbies and passions that can help solve others problem
  2. Leverage your network: Ping your family and friends who face this problem and tell them you can help them
  3. Validate it: Ask them to pay you $X as prepayment to offer your service

If you have completed these three steps, well done! You officially have a SideGig

I hope you enjoyed this edition and that my story sparked some inspiration for you.

Have you started your side hustle journey? Share your story with us! We’d love to feature more success stories from our community.

If you haven’t started yet, what’s holding you back? Comment this post with your questions or challenges, and we’ll provide tips and resources to get you started.

Remember, the key to a successful side hustle is passion, perseverance, and smart management. Let’s make your side hustle dreams a reality!

See you soon at the next SideGig edition!



Benjemen Elengovan

Startup Addict | Founder & CEO of MyGigsters | Tech Enthusiast | ClubHouse @benjemen and Podcast Host


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