Who determines your destiny? You 👋🏼
🚀 How to stream a live product launch event 🧘♂️ How does music impact work? 🤩 A playbook that I highly recommended for startup founders who are just starting out 🤫 My theory of happiness
How to get your first 100 users?
This post will lay out the steps I took at MyGigsters to attract our first 100 early users in less than four weeks.
Just dreaming is not good enough
How do I manage 4 startups and a 2-year-old daughter 🐣 while working full-time? How do I grow resilience 💪 and find peace with uncertainty One podcast episode 🎙 that changed my life
Welcome to Five things Friday
FTF is a short weekly dose of inspiration; this email capture 5 things I come across in my startup journey.